[Recipe] "Perfect for Valentine's Day" Smoothie

These beauties are from Iowa.

Shelly moved to Michigan a few years ago where she met Jill. In time, learned about The Nourish to Flourish Society and experienced the Reset firsthand and ended up sharing her experience with Jaime...who became a Resetter...who ended up sharing this experience with Kim...who is also now a Resetter.

Did you get all that? 

In our language, we call it the Ripple Effect. You have a positive experience. It changes you. You share your experience with others. It changes them. It spreads and spreads and spreads.

It's one of the things we LOVE about our NtF Society. It's creating a positive effect that ripples into our families, our relationships and communities, schools and more. From Michigan to Iowa to New Zeeland to Japan to Australia to Germany to Texas to California to New Jersey to Canada to Florida and many other states.

So when we announced our Soiree last September, we were absolutely thrilled that Jaime and Kim made the 7-hour trek to Michigan with a babe in tow to meet us and our Society of women. 

A few weeks ago, Jaime emailed us to let us know she was playing around with one of our Reset smoothies and created a new one she invited us to share with our community. It’s velvety and delicious.

She also sent us the most adorable video of her 6-yr old son sharing the new recipe he affectionately calls “Perfect for Valentine’s Day” Smoothie. He was telling us to add in the coconut oil and the cacao powder and the collagen powder and cauliflower and the cherries and a splash of lemon juice...and it melted our hearts.

Not just because he’s absolutely adorable.

But also because Ripple Effect.

Into the lives of the next generation.

Snag the recipe below and share with your friends because it's so good and also because...ripple effect. Together let's be a beautiful force for well being in one another...


One Perfect Valentine's Smoothie at a time.


Thank you Jaime and Kim and Shelly for being beautiful forces for goodness and well-being for one another and beyond!

Recipe below.


“Perfect for Valentine’s Day” Smoothie

8-12 ounces liquid base (this one is especially good with canned coconut milk, but almond milk is good too)
1/2 banana
1 cup frozen cherries
1 T cacao (powder or butter)
1 T coconut oil
Vanilla collagen powder or collagen + vanilla extract
Splash of lemon juice
Dash of sea salt
2 T riced cauliflower 
Optional honey

Add all ingredients into your blend and blend until velvety smooth. Sprinkle cacao nibs on top