How's your New Year Resolution going?

Do you find that the 'magic' of January 1 wears off pretty quickly? It never seems to be too long after those New Year's Eve bubbles have fizzled out and the after-party glitter has been cleaned up, that our best-of-intentions New Year's resolutions fade.  

It's not because we have a lack of willpower or because we aren't awesome women; it's just that while making a resolution may light you up, that light fades pretty quickly once the reality of life sets back in.

Maybe you made a resolution to lose weight, but within a week or two, it's tough to keep it going, especially if you've decided on a 'diet' that is pretty drab or you feel tethered to an app that has you counting calories and points every time you even smell food. 

Maybe you made a resolution to get more sleep, but find yourself staring at the ceiling, mentally adding items to tomorrow's To Do list even though you got yourself to bed by a respectable 10:16 p.m. 

Maybe you made a resolution to break-up with sugar and despite telling yourself that you don't need that relationship anymore, those chocolate chip cookies you're baking for your kiddo's school party or the bowl of candy on your co-worker's desk have you thinking that maybe, just maybe, you and sugar can still be friends...some of the time. 

All this to say that if you set a resolution and it's already feeling pretty shaky or if you didn't set one and are thinking it's too late and you might as well wait until next year, please give yourself grace right now. 

It's totally okay...and this mailing is for you!

We practice something a bit unique that you may not have heard of:  Bringing together our Feminine Energy with our Masculine Energy. 

The feminine side of us is all about feelings and wisdom and intuition. Unfortunately too often in our world, this gets written off as 'too woo' or too touchy-feely or too emotional. Alternatively, if you are a woman who is actually comfortable with this side of yourself no matter what the outside world says, maybe you too often get stuck here. All feelings and no action. 

Which is where that masculine energy comes into play. Our masculine energy helps us to get things done. It's about setting boundaries and taking action so that we can allow space for the feminine energy to flourish (i.e. feelings, wisdom, intuition)  Not from a 'get-it-done-at-all-costs' mindset though. We don't need more unhealthy masculine energy in the world. We're talking about a healthy dose of structure and planning.

What we do instead of setting New Year's resolutions is start by asking what we want to feel in our bodies and in our lives AND THEN we decide what actions to take to make that happen. 

To know what you really want to feel it's important to have a practice of getting quiet and going inward and asking yourself, "What do I want to feel in my body and my life?"

Stay quiet. Let thoughts come and go a bit without judgement. It's not about what you think you SHOULD feel or do, it's about how you WANT to feel. 

More Ease?

Maybe at first a lot of feelings come up for you or maybe none do. Either way is okay. This is a process. A practice. Give yourself space to know yourself better and what you want for yourself. And then take actions that are aligned with what you want to feel.

For instance, if you want to feel more joy in your life, but your New Year's Resolution is to eat low-calorie, low-fat, bland food and cram an hour at the gym into your already too-full schedule, well, there's not a lot of joy happening in that action plan. The desired feelings and the actions aren't aligned. 

This is actually one of the ways our 14-Day Reset is so unique from all the other plans and programs we've seen out thereWe've designed it so the actions you're taking in the Reset are likely aligned with HOW you want to feel in your body and in your life. 

In fact, when we survey women who've just gone through the 14 days, one of the things we ask them is to give us three words that describe how they feel from their experience. Here's a sampling of what these ladies tell us: 


Wouldn't you love to feel any ONE of these feelings after participating in a program designed to help you look and feel your best?! 

Bottom Line: Instead of setting life-zapping, impossible-to-reach resolutions, take actions that will help you reach your goal AND feel more of what you want to feel at the same time. It is way more fun and sustainable! 

Whether you decide to join us for the 2nd (and final) Winter Reset session or not, take time this week to bring your own Feminine and Masculine energy together.

Ask yourself HOW you want to feel in your body and your life and then TAKE ACTION that actually aligns with how you want to feel. 

P.S. If you want a beautifully designed, guided coaching program that can help you lose weight, calm your cravings and boost our energy AND feel better doing it, join us for the 14-Day Winter Reset. We begin on Feb 3.  Click HERE for all the details. 

"This Reset gave me permission and guidance to focus on what matters. It taught me to prioritize nourishing myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually so that I can then offer that nourishing to others in my life. The meal plans were thorough, easy to follow, and very tasty! The daily emails and journal components were just what I needed to de-clutter and nourish my inner life. Overall, I feel much more grounded and joyful following this program."  ~Stephanie A.